Friday, August 15, 2008


Sorry, it's been a while since I posted. Eli was getting bored too

There have been a few changes to routine lately. Eli started day care last week, and has been doing very well. He also got a real cold for the first time (then gave it to dad). Other than one really bad night, he's gotten through it all very well. Oh, and his first week in daycare 2 new teeth came in (first two top ones). We also changed Eli's baths to in the tub... well, in a mini-tub in the tub. It took some getting used to...
But it didn't take him too long to get used to it.

This is Eli sick. He couldn't breath through his nose very well, which didn't make him very happy at all. Overall, he's been a very good boy dealing with it though.

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