Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Yeah, I know we just got back from DeFuniak, but I didn't ever actually post on our trip to Boca and we got some good pictures from Grandma's camera. So come back in a few days for DeFuniak pics. In Boca Eli got to spend some time with his cousin, but didn't get to meet his new friend Luke, because he was sounding a little under the weather (he felt fine, just sounded hoarse). The first two pictures are from the Cuban restaraunt near Aunt Jessi's house.
Grandpa can't resist a chance to get both grandsons at once.

We thought about switching babies, but they didn't like the idea.

Have we had any gratuitous bath pictures yet? We use a baby tub at home, but forgot it, so Eli had to make due with the sink. He won't fit in there much longer.

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