Friday, June 13, 2008

Swimming and Blackberries

That's what DeFuniak is good for this time of year. Well, other things too, but we didn't get pictures of those. Eli got to watch Mom and Dad eat the frist corn of the year and lots of other fresh veggies. This was Eli's first trip into the pool, and he wasn't quite sure what to think. It didn't freak him out, but he wasn't exactly excited about it either. As always, he enjoyed lots of time with the Grandparents and Aunt Deanna. Everyone got to share in the joy of teething, as he has cut his first two bottom teeth in the last two weeks. Sorry there aren't any tooth pictures, but you'd be surprised how hard it is to get a baby to open his mouth at the right angle...

He was sad before he went in the pool, I promise.

I'm covering up his chest so you can't tell it's more toned and tan than mine.

Swimming is hard work.

He actually helped pick some of these. Well, he helped pick some, I'm not sure those specific berries ended up in the basket...

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